About The Lincolnton City Pharmacy
City Pharmacy has been serving the community of Lincolnton for more than 50 years. The founder of the pharmacy was Dr. Weems Pennington Sr. who was a well known practicing medical doctor in Linconlnton.
Mrs. Pennington tells the story; they were passing through, heading north and she felt thirsty and asked her husband Dr. Pennington stop at the nearest shop to buy a bottle of Pepsi. They stopped in Lincolnton. They continued their trip north.
When Dr. Pennington wanted to start his practice, they remembered the city of Lincolnton and they came back to check it out. Dr. Pennington started practicing medicine as a private clinic in Lincolnton. Dr. Pennington,
a couragous and genius doctor who not only came to a place where the nearest hospital is more than an hour drive, he also decided to establish a pharmacy connected to his practice. Through the years Dr. Pennington served the community of Lincolnton faithfully with the support of his godly wife...
The present building of City Pharmacy was a movie theater. Dr. Pennington purchased the building and developed a clinic and a pharmacy. The pharmacy had a Soda Fountain and almost everything could be sold in addition to medicine. We have been told that at 4 PM everyone in town would come to sit, chat, eat, and have ice cream at the fountain of City Pharmacy.
Dr. Pennington and his family offered the City Pharmacy for sale in 2000. Mr. Hani Mussad and his wife Heba acquired the pharmacy and started to develop services that can sustain the pharmacy in the face of the corporate chain pharmacies' competition. In 2001, a new direction for the pharmacy was adopted and we began to serve assisted living facilities and personal home care beside its normal walk in customers...
After several trials to revive the memories of the soda fountain, we decided to focus on our pharmaceutical services and to close other services. It was hard to close the Soda Fountain since it holds memories for many customers but the market situation dictated closing this service and focusing on assisted living facilities and Personal Home Care.
Mr. and Mrs. Hani and Heba Mussad are pharmacists licensed in Georgia since 1998. They are immigrants from Egypt with a long history of practising pharmacy in Egypt and California... Our hope is to continue serving the community of Lincolnton to the best or our ability. We are also indebted to many workers who worked hard and helped forming the present shape of City pharmacy.